he Many Seasons of Stacia

Well I could hardly disappoint all you Stacia fans out there simply because I was re-vamping the page.  The previous Seasonal Stacia page had a total of 5495 hits (purely for the purpose of gathering information, I'm assured), thus making it clear to me that nothing belongs on the net more than hot women doing borderline pornography.  In that spirit... allow me to present the newest season of Stacia... cheer season!

It all started innocently enough... Stacia wanted something to wear to the Diamondback's World Championship celebration.  So, not liking the "mature" selection for women at the local team shop, she decided to make herself a cheerleader outfit.  This sparked quite the fetish in myself, and a lot of guys we know.  So we couldn't stop with one outfit... and couldn't stop with one picture either.  Enjoy the show!

Stacia in her lovely AZ Card's cheerleader uniform.  Sure, it's not the Dallas Cowboys cheerleaders uniform... but on the other hand, the Cards have won more games.  So there!  Click the thumbnail to view the pic.

The Original... the first... the one that started it all... Stacia in her fetching Diamondbacks cheer uniform.  Okay, sure, major league baseball doesn't have cheerleaders.  But come on, like it's a fast moving sport to begin with... why distract from the action on the field with hot chicks in short skirts.  By the way, let me take this time to thank Geocities' crappy glitchy file upload program for deleting 2 of the Diamondback pictures.  Thank you Geocities.  Of course, as usual, click the thumbnail to see the pic.

And what page of cheerleading pictures would be complete without some awesome shots of Stacia wearing a Charlotte Country Day School cheerleading uniform??  What's that? You don't know for the life of you why she would be wearing a Charlotte Country Day School uniform?  Why, because that happens to be the high school I went to, and she made the uniform to live out a little naughty cheerleader fantasy for me.  I know my girl rocks, thanks for pointing this out!  By the way, yes, to you fans of the upskirt shot, and all you pervs who have been requesting upskirt action, finally, here, I have obliged you.  You're welcome.

The Previous Seasons of Stacia