ime for Halloween!

Okay, when I told my friends online that I was dressing up for Halloween as a Goth chick, some people's noses got all out of joint over it (mostly my Goth friends). I heard endless questions over the subject, so here is a sample Q&A about my Halloween costume... the Goth Babe.

Q: How can you dress GOTH? It's a way of living, not a style of dress!

A: Only for freaks like you is it a way of life. Watch the Goths on Jenny Jones sometime and tell me they all don't have a similar style of dress!

Q: Why are you dressing up for Halloween? Aren't you an adult?

A: You mean you DON'T dress up for Halloween? What kind of lame ass are ya?!

Q: What makes you think you know what Goth is?

A: I don't care what it is... only what it looks like. And it looks like this...

The Previous Seasons of Stacia