<mellow27> have you had sex before?
<Sn0wGurl> no
<Sn0wGurl> is that ok?
...uhm, ya, because you usually find virgins
hanging out in #3waysex. On second thought, you probably do, but most of
them male and 13 years old and claiming they have done it a thousand times
and are qualified sexperts, but anyway...
<mellow27> yup
<Sn0wGurl> can you teach me?
<mellow27> well, imagine laying on your back with one guys
cock in your pussy, and the other guys cock in your mouth
<Sn0wGurl> ok
<Sn0wGurl> I got that part
<Sn0wGurl> how far do you put it in?
<Sn0wGurl> how do I see my calculator with a cock in my
<Sn0wGurl> this is so much math
<mellow27> or, one guy laying under you with his cock in your
pussy,and onther laying on your back with his cock in your arse
<Sn0wGurl> ok ok
<Sn0wGurl> I'm writing it down
...at this point, our chump surpasses the level
of the average rube and enters into whole new realms of gullibility...
<Sn0wGurl> then what?
<mellow27> lol...
<mellow27> silly
<Sn0wGurl> sorry I'm new at this...
<Sn0wGurl> my umm what do you call it "pussy" is
not functional yet
<mellow27> so you neva done anything kinky?
<Sn0wGurl> nope
<Sn0wGurl> I want to learn though
<Sn0wGurl> lemme sharpen my pencil okay?
<mellow27> do you masterbate much?
<Sn0wGurl> what is that?
<Sn0wGurl> sorry
<mellow27> where are you from?
<Sn0wGurl> I'm a pre med student...but sex stuff throws me
way off
<mellow27> do you speak english?
<Sn0wGurl> some
...and what, pray tell, has she been speaking to
this point, Esperanto???...
<mellow27> its touching yourself
<Sn0wGurl> is that anything like when your dog licks up the
peanut butter you spread between your legs...
<Sn0wGurl> that's normal though right?
<mellow27> you get your dog to lick your sex?
<Sn0wGurl> you act surprised
<mellow27> that is kinky
<mellow27> how long have you been doing that for?
<Sn0wGurl> is that good?
<Sn0wGurl> since I was 5
<Sn0wGurl> what?
<Sn0wGurl> is that normal?
<Sn0wGurl> he likes peanut butter though... and its the way
he prefers to eat it
<mellow27> you are kiddin me..
<Sn0wGurl> no
<Sn0wGurl> is this bad?
<mellow27> you work it out yourself
<Sn0wGurl> shrug
<Sn0wGurl> he likes it and so do I
<mellow27> had fucks you too?
...I'm not sure that last line can be translated
into our language...
<Sn0wGurl> had fucks me what?
<Sn0wGurl> expalin fucking...how do you say intercourse?
<mellow27> that is it exactly
<Sn0wGurl> same thing?
<mellow27> intercourse
<Sn0wGurl> ok I think I know a little
<Sn0wGurl> where does the man put his peter again? peter
<mellow27> in your vagina
<Sn0wGurl> oh ok
<Sn0wGurl> what else goes on
<Sn0wGurl> does it tickle?
<mellow27> do you have intercourse with the dog?
<Sn0wGurl> well I always ask
...Well I suppose it would just be rude not to
<mellow27> have you ever put your finger in your vagina?
<Sn0wGurl> well not my finger but other things from around my
<Sn0wGurl> it tickles depends on what I use
<mellow27> you have so put your finger in there
<Sn0wGurl> ok just once....shhhhhh
<mellow27> your full of it..
<Sn0wGurl> q-tip, popsickle, blender, stuff like that
<mellow27> see ya
<Sn0wGurl> fine don't tutor me!
...The amazing part of this whole isn't the fact
that this guy so easily fell for the whole gag. He's probably a virgin
himself, so to find one online in the same sex channel he frequents isn't
so surprising. No, the amazing, shocking part of it all is that it took
this lame ass 30 minutes to realize he was being taken for a ride. Now
that's comedy my friends.

Thanks, Sn0wGurl, for showing once again
that when your brain is in a hormonal haze, your just a sucker waiting to
be taken. >:^)